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Text 40

tato ’niruddhaṁ saha sūryayā varaṁ
rathaṁ samāropya yayuḥ kuśasthalīm
rāmādayo bhojakaṭād daśārhāḥ
siddhākhilārthā madhusūdanāśrayāḥ

tataḥ — then; aniruddham — Aniruddha; saha — together with; sūryayā — His bride; varam — the groom; ratham — on His chariot; samāropya — placing; yayuḥ — they went; kuśasthalīm — to Kuśasthalī (Dvārakā); rāma-ādayaḥ — headed by Lord Balarāma; bhojakaṭāt — from Bhojakaṭa; daśārhāḥ — the descendants of Daśārha; siddha — fulfilled; akhila — all; arthāḥ — whose purposes; madhusūdana — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; āśrayāḥ — under the shelter.

Then the descendants of Daśārha, headed by Lord Balarāma, seated Aniruddha and His bride on a fine chariot and set off from Bhojakaṭa for Dvārakā. Having taken shelter of Lord Madhusūdana, they had fulfilled all their purposes.

Even though Rukmiṇī was very dear to all the Dāśārhas, her brother Rukmī had constantly opposed and insulted Kṛṣṇa since Rukmiṇī’s wedding. Thus, Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains, the associates of Lord Kṛṣṇa could hardly lament Rukmī’s sudden demise.

Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Tenth Canto, Sixty-first Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Lord Balarāma Slays Rukmī.”

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