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Text 14

dṛṣṭaḥ kaścin naraḥ svapne
śyāmaḥ kamala-locanaḥ
pīta-vāsā bṛhad-bāhur
yoṣitāṁ hṛdayaṁ-gamaḥ

dṛṣṭaḥ — seen; kaścit — a certain; naraḥ — man; svapne — in my dream; śyāmaḥ — dark blue; kamala — lotuslike; locanaḥ — whose eyes; pīta — yellow; vāsāḥ — whose clothing; bṛhat — mighty; bāhuḥ — whose arms; yoṣitām — of women; hṛdayam — the hearts; gamaḥ — touching.

[Ūṣā said:] In my dream I saw a certain man who had a darkblue complexion, lotus eyes, yellow garments and mighty arms. He was the kind who touches women’s hearts.

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