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Texts 14-15

sv-alaṅkṛtebhyo guṇa-śīlavadbhyaḥ
sīdat-kuṭumbebhya ṛta-vratebhyaḥ
prādāṁ yuvabhyo dvija-puṅgavebhyaḥ

kanyāḥ sa-dāsīs tila-rūpya-śayyāḥ
vāsāṁsi ratnāni paricchadān rathān
iṣṭaṁ ca yajñaiś caritaṁ ca pūrtam

su — well; alaṅkṛtebhyaḥ — who were ornamented; guṇa — good qualities; śīla — and character; vadbhyaḥ — who possessed; sīdat — distressed; kuṭumbebhyaḥ — whose families; ṛta — to truth; vratebhyaḥ — dedicated; tapaḥ — for austerity; śruta — well known; brahma — in the Vedas; vadānya — vastly learned; sadbhyaḥ — saintly; prādām — I gave; yuvabhyaḥ — who were young; dvija — to brāhmaṇas; pum-gavebhyaḥ — most exceptional; go — cows; bhū — land; hiraṇya — gold; āyatana — houses; aśva — horses; hastinaḥ — and elephants; kanyāḥ — marriageable daughters; sa — with; dāsīḥ — maidservants; tila — sesame; rūpya — silver; śayyāḥ — and beds; vāsāṁsi — clothing; ratnāni — jewels; paricchadān — furniture; rathān — chariots; iṣṭam — worship executed; ca — and; yajñaiḥ — by Vedic fire sacrifices; caritam — done; ca — and; pūrtam — pious works.

I first honored the brāhmaṇas who were recipients of my charity by decorating them with fine ornaments. Those most exalted brāhmaṇas, whose families were in need, were young and possessed of excellent character and qualities. They were dedicated to truth, famous for their austerity, vastly learned in the Vedic scriptures and saintly in their behavior. I gave them cows, land, gold and houses, along with horses, elephants and marriageable girls with maidservants, as well as sesame, silver, fine beds, clothing, jewels, furniture and chariots. In addition, I performed Vedic sacrifices and executed various pious welfare activities.

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