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Text 8

evaṁ deśān viprakurvan
dūṣayaṁś ca kula-striyaḥ
śrutvā su-lalitaṁ gītaṁ
giriṁ raivatakaṁ yayau

evam — thus; deśān — the various kingdoms; viprakurvan — disturbing; dūṣayan — contaminating; ca — and; kula — of respectable families; striyaḥ — the women; śrutvā — hearing; su-lalitam — very sweet; gītam — song; girim — to the mountain; raivatakam — named Raivataka; yayau — he went.

Once, while Dvivida was thus engaged in harassing the neighboring kingdoms and polluting women of respectable families, he heard very sweet singing coming from Raivataka Mountain. So he went there.

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