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Text 42

tasmin deva kratu-vare
bhavantaṁ vai surādayaḥ
didṛkṣavaḥ sameṣyanti
rājānaś ca yaśasvinaḥ

tasmin — in that; deva — O Lord; kratu — of sacrifices; vare — best; bhavantam — You; vai — indeed; sura — demigods; ādayaḥ — and other exalted personalities; didṛkṣavaḥ — eager to see; sameṣyanti — will all come; rājānaḥ — kings; ca — also; yaśasvinaḥ — glorious.

O Lord, exalted demigods and glorious kings, eager to see You, will all come to that best of sacrifices.

The ācāryas explain that Nārada here means to say that since all the great personalities will come especially to see Lord Kṛṣṇa, He should also come to that sacrifice.

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