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Text 16

kareṇubhiḥ parijana-vāra-yoṣitaḥ
sv-alaṅkṛtāḥ kaṭa-kuṭi-kambalāmbarādy-
upaskarā yayur adhiyujya sarvataḥ

nara — by human carriers; uṣṭra — camels; go — bulls; mahiṣa — buffalo; khara — donkeys; aśvatarī — mules; anaḥ — bullock carts; kareṇubhiḥ — and female elephants; parijana — of the household; vāra — and of public use; yoṣitaḥ — the women; su-alaṅkṛtāḥ — well decorated; kaṭa — made of grass; kuṭi — huts; kambala — blankets; ambara — clothing; ādi — and so on; upaskarāḥ — whose paraphernalia; yayuḥ — they went; adhiyujya — having loaded; sarvataḥ — on all sides.

On all sides proceeded finely adorned women-attendants of the royal household, as well as courtesans. They rode on palanquins and camels, bulls and buffalo, donkeys, mules, bullock carts and elephants. Their conveyances were fully loaded with grass tents, blankets, clothes and other items for the trip.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains that the household attendants mentioned here included washerwomen and other helpers.

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