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Text 29

asau vṛkodaraḥ pārthas
tasya bhrātārjuno hy ayam
anayor mātuleyaṁ māṁ
kṛṣṇaṁ jānīhi te ripum

asau — that one; vṛkodaraḥ — Bhīma; pārthaḥ — the son of Pṛthā; tasya — his; bhrātā — brother; arjunaḥ — Arjuna; hi — indeed; ayam — this other; anayoḥ — of the two of them; mātuleyam — the maternal cousin; mām — Me; kṛṣṇam — Kṛṣṇa; jānīhi — please know; te — your; ripum — enemy.

Over there is Bhīma, son of Pṛthā, and this is his brother Arjuna. Know Me to be their maternal cousin, Kṛṣṇa, your enemy.

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