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Text 45

hāhā-kāro mahān āsīn
nihate magadheśvare
pūjayām āsatur bhīmaṁ
parirabhya jayācyatau

hāhā-kāraḥ — a cry of lamentation; mahān — great; āsīt — arose; nihate — having been killed; magadha-īśvare — the lord of the Magadha province; pūjayām āsatuḥ — the two of them honored; bhīmam — Bhīma; parirabhya — embracing; jaya — Arjuna; acyutau — and Kṛṣṇa.

With the death of the lord of Magadha, a great cry of lamentation arose, while Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa congratulated Bhīma by embracing him.

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