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Text 20

deva-dundubhayo nedur
nara-dundubhibhiḥ samam
mumucuḥ puṣpa-varṣāṇi

deva — of demigods; dundubhayaḥ — kettledrums; neduḥ — resounded; nara — of human beings; dundubhibhiḥ — kettledrums; samam — together with; mumucuḥ — released; puṣpa — of flowers; varṣāṇi — downpours; deva — demigods; ṛṣi — sages; pitṛ — forefathers; mānavāḥ — and humans.

The kettledrums of the gods resounded, along with those of human beings. Demigods, sages, forefathers and humans all poured down showers of flowers.

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