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Text 7

saṁstutya munayo rāmaṁ
abhyaṣiñcan mahā-bhāgā
vṛtra-ghnaṁ vibudhā yathā

saṁstutya — sincerely praising; munayaḥ — the sages; rāmam — Lord Balarāma; prayujya — awarding; avitatha — infallible; āśiṣaḥ — benedictions; abhyaṣiñcan — ceremoniously bathed; mahā-bhāgāḥ — the great personalities; vṛtra — of Vṛtrāsura; ghnam — the killer (Lord Indra); vibudhāḥ — the demigods; yathā — as.

The exalted sages honored Lord Rāma with sincere prayers and awarded Him infallible blessings. Then they performed His ritual bath, just as the demigods had formally bathed Indra when he killed Vṛtra.

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