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Text 27

divi dundubhayo nedur
jaya-śabda-yutā bhuvi
devāś ca kusumāsārān
mumucur harṣa-vihvalāḥ

divi — in the sky; dundubhayaḥ — kettledrums; neduḥ — resounded; jaya — “victory”; śabda — the sound; yutāḥ — together with; bhuvi — on the earth; devāḥ — demigods; ca — and; kusuma — of flowers; āsārān — torrents; mumucuḥ — released; harṣa — with joy; vihvalāḥ — overwhelmed.

Kettledrums resounded in the sky, and on the earth people shouted “Jaya! Jaya!” Overjoyed, demigods showered flowers.

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