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Text 1

ye bhajanty aśivaṁ śivam
prāyas te dhanino bhojā
na tu lakṣmyāḥ patiṁ harim

śrī-rājā uvāca — the King (Parīkṣit) said; deva — among demigods; asura — demons; manuṣyeṣu — and humans; ye — who; bhajanti — worship; aśivam — austere; śivam — Lord Śiva; prāyaḥ — usually; te — they; dhaninaḥ — rich; bhojāḥ — enjoyers of sense gratification; na — not; tu — however; lakṣmyāḥ — of the goddess of fortune; patim — the husband; harim — Lord Hari.

King Parīkṣit said: Those demigods, demons and humans who worship Lord Śiva, a strict renunciant, usually enjoy wealth and sense gratification, while the worshipers of the Supreme Lord Hari, the husband of the goddess of fortune, do not.

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