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Text 35

prasūti-kāla āsanne
bhāryāyā dvija-sattamaḥ
pāhi pāhi prajāṁ mṛtyor
ity āhārjunam āturaḥ

prasūti — of giving birth; kāle — the time; āsanne — being imminent; bhāryāyāḥ — of his wife; dvija — the brāhmaṇa; sat-tamaḥ — most elevated; pāhi — please save; pāhi — please save; prajām — my child; mṛtyoḥ — from death; iti — thus; āha — he said; arjunam — to Arjuna; āturaḥ — distraught.

When the wife of the elevated brāhmaṇa was again about to give birth, he went to Arjuna in great anxiety and begged him, “Please, please protect my child from death!”

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