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Text 46

iti sambhāṣya bhagavān
arjunena saheśvaraḥ
divyaṁ sva-ratham āsthāya
pratīcīṁ diśam āviśat

iti — thus; sambhāṣya — conferring; bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; arjunena saha — with Arjuna; īśvaraḥ — the Supreme Lord; divyam — divine; sva — His; ratham — chariot; āsthāya — mounting; pratīcīm — western; diśam — the direction; āviśat — He entered.

Having thus advised Arjuna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead had Arjuna join Him on His divine chariot, and together they set off toward the west.

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