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Text 64

pravavarṣākhilān kāmān
prajāsu brāhmaṇādiṣu
yathā-kālaṁ yathaivendro
bhagavān śraiṣṭhyam āsthitaḥ

pravavarṣa — He rained down; akhilān — all; kāmān — desired things; prajāsu — upon His subjects; brāhmaṇa-ādiṣu — beginning with the brāhmaṇas; yathā-kālam — at the suitable times; yathā eva — in the same way; indraḥ — (as) Indra; bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; śraiṣṭhyam — in His supremacy; āsthitaḥ — situated.

The Lord having demonstrated His supremacy, at suitable times He showered down all desirable things upon the brāhmaṇas and His other subjects, just as Indra pours down his rain.

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