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Text 34

uttareṣu ca kuruṣu bhagavān yajña-puruṣaḥ kṛta-varāha-rūpa āste taṁ tu devī haiṣā bhūḥ saha kurubhir askhalita-bhakti-yogenopadhāvati imāṁ ca paramām upaniṣadam āvartayati.

uttareṣu — on the northern side; ca — also; kuruṣu — in the tract of land known as Kuru; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; yajña-puruṣaḥ — who accepts all results of sacrifices; kṛta-varāha-rūpaḥ — having accepted the form of a boar; āste — exists eternally; tam — Him; tu — certainly; devī — the goddess; ha — certainly; eṣā — this; bhūḥ — planet earth; saha — along with; kurubhiḥ — the inhabitants of the land known as Kuru; askhalita — unfailing; bhakti-yogena — by devotional service; upadhāvati — worship; imām — this; ca — also; paramām upaniṣadam — the supreme Upaniṣad (the process by which one can approach the Lord); āvartayati — chants again and again for the purpose of practice.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Dear King, the Supreme Lord in His boar incarnation, who accepts all sacrificial offerings, lives in the northern part of Jambūdvīpa. There, in the tract of land known as Uttarakuru-varṣa, mother earth and all the other inhabitants worship Him with unfailing devotional service by repeatedly chanting the following Upaniṣadic mantra.

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