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Text 11

tata upariṣṭād dvi-lakṣa-yojanato nakṣatrāṇi meruṁ dakṣiṇenaiva kālāyana īśvara-yojitāni sahābhijitāṣṭā-viṁśatiḥ.

tataḥ — from that region of the moon; upariṣṭāt — above; dvi-lakṣa-yojanataḥ — 200,000 yojanas; nakṣatrāṇi — many stars; merum — Sumeru Mountain; dakṣiṇena eva — to the right side; kāla-ayane — in the wheel of time; īśvara-yojitāni — attached by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; saha — with; abhijitā — the star known as Abhijit; aṣṭā-viṁśatiḥ — twenty-eight.

There are many stars located 200,000 yojanas [1,600,000 miles] above the moon. By the supreme will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are fixed to the wheel of time, and thus they rotate with Mount Sumeru on their right, their motion being different from that of the sun. There are twenty-eight important stars, headed by Abhijit.

The stars referred to herein are 1,600,000 miles above the sun, and thus they are 4,000,000 miles above the earth.

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