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Text 39

tasyopari vimānena
gandharva-patir ekadā
yayau citrarathaḥ strībhir
vṛto yatra dvija-kṣayaḥ

tasya — his dead body; upari — above; vimānena — by airplane; gandharva-patiḥ — the King of Gandharvaloka, Citraratha; ekadā — once upon a time; yayau — went; citrarathaḥ — Citraratha; strībhiḥ — by many beautiful women; vṛtaḥ — surrounded; yatra — where; dvija-kṣayaḥ — the brāhmaṇa Kauśika had died.

Surrounded by many beautiful women, Citraratha, the King of Gandharvaloka, was once passing in his airplane over the brāhmaṇa’s body at the spot where the brāhmaṇa had died.

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