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Text 156
prathame āchila ‘nirbandha’ kauḍi cāri-paṇa
rāmacandra-purī-bhaye ghāṭāilā nimantraṇa
prathame — in the beginning; āchila — it was; nirbandha — fixed; kauḍi cāri-paṇa — four paṇas of conchshells; rāmacandra-purī-bhaye — because of the restriction of Rāmacandra Purī; ghāṭāilā — decreased; nimantraṇa — the price of an invitation.
At first the cost of Jagannātha prasādam for an invitation was four paṇas of conchshells, but when Rāmacandra Purī was there, the price was cut in half.