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Text 33

ebe yadi strīre dekhi’ prabhura bāhya haila
jagannātha-subhadrā-balarāmera svarūpa dekhila

ebe — now; yadi — when; strīre — the woman; dekhi’ — seeing; prabhura — of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; bāhya haila — there was external consciousness; jagannātha — Lord Jagannātha; subhadrā — His sister, Subhadrā; balarāmera — and of His elder brother, Balarāma; svarūpa — forms; dekhila — saw.

After seeing the woman, the Lord’s external consciousness returned, and He saw the original deity forms of Lord Jagannātha, Subhadrā and Lord Balarāma.

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