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Text 62
siṁha-dvārera uttara-diśāya āche eka ṭhāñi
tāra madhye paḍi’ āchena caitanya-gosāñi
siṁha-dvārera — of the gate known as Siṁha-dvāra; uttara-diśāya — on the northern side; āche — there is; eka ṭhāñi — a place; tāra madhye — within that place; paḍi’ — lying down; āchena — was; caitanya-gosāñi — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
After searching for some time, they came upon Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu lying in a corner by the northern side of the Siṁha-dvāra gate.