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Text 9

eka-mana pañca-dike pañca-guṇa ṭāne
ṭānāṭāni prabhura mana haila ageyāne

eka-mana — one mind; pañca-dike — in five directions; pañca-guṇa — the five attributes; ṭāne — attracted; ṭānāṭāni — by a tug-of-war; prabhura — of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; mana — the mind; haila — became; ageyāne — unconscious.

Just as in a tug-of-war, the single mind of Lord Caitanya was attracted in five directions by the five transcendental attributes of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Thus the Lord became unconscious.

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