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Text 88
tāṅra pitā ‘viṣayī’ baḍa śatānanda-khāṅna
‘viṣaya-vimukha’ ācārya — ‘vairāgya-pradhāna’
tāṅra pitā — his father; viṣayī — a statesman; baḍa — expert; śatānanda-khāṅna — named Śatānanda Khān; viṣaya-vimukha — not interested in state management; ācārya — Bhagavān Ācārya; vairāgya-pradhāna — mostly in the renounced order of life.
Bhagavān Ācārya’s father, whose name was Śatānanda Khān, was an expert statesman, whereas Bhagavān Ācārya was not at all interested in the management of the state. Indeed, he was almost in the renounced order of life.