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lapitaṁ gauracandrasya
bhāgyavadbhir niṣevyate

prema-udbhāvita — produced from ecstatic love and emotion; harṣa — jubilation; īrṣyā — envy; udvega — agitation; dainya — submissiveness; ārti — grief; miśritam — mixed with; lapitam — talks like those of a crazy man; gaura-candrasya — of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; bhāgyavadbhiḥ — by the most fortunate; niṣevyate — is enjoyable.

Only the most fortunate will relish the mad words of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, which were mixed with jubilation, envy, agitation, submissiveness and grief, all produced by ecstatic loving emotions.

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