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Text 130

mahā-prasādera tāhāṅ mahimā varṇilā
kṛṣṇādharāmṛtera phala-śloka āsvādilā

mahā-prasādera — of the remnants of the food of the Lord, mahā-prasādam; tāhāṅ — there; mahimā — the glories; varṇilā — described; kṛṣṇa-adhara-amṛtera — of the nectar from the lips of Kṛṣṇa; phala-śloka — the verse mentioning the result; āsvādilā — tasted.

Also in that chapter, the glories of mahā-prasādam are explained, and a verse is tasted describing the effect of nectar from the lips of Kṛṣṇa.

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