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Text 14

prabhura śikṣāte teṅho nija-ghare yāya
markaṭa-vairāgya chāḍi’ hailā ‘viṣayi-prāya’

prabhura śikṣāte — by the instruction of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; teṅho — he; nija-ghare yāya — returned to his home; markaṭavairāgya — monkey renunciation; chāḍi’ — giving up; hailā — became; viṣayi-prāya — like a pounds-and-shillings man.

Instead of becoming a so-called renunciant, Raghunātha dāsa, following the instructions of the Lord, returned home and played exactly like a pounds-and-shillings man.

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