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Text 173

grāme-grāmera patha chāḍi’ yāya vane vane
kāya-mano-vākye cinte caitanya-caraṇe

grāme-grāmera — from village to village; patha — the general path; chāḍi’ — giving up; yāya — goes; vane vane — through the jungles; kāya-manaḥ-vākye — with body, mind and words; cinte — thinks; caitanya caraṇe — of the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

Giving up the general path from village to village, he passed through the jungles, thinking with heart and soul about the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

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