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Text 169

nigūḍha caitanya-līlā bujhite kā’ra śakti?
sei bujhe, gauracandre yāṅra dṛḍha bhakti

nigūḍha — very deep; caitanya-līlā — the pastimes of Lord Caitanya; bujhite — to understand; kā’ra — of whom; śakti — the power; sei bujhe — he understands; gauracandre — unto Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; yāṅra — whose; dṛḍha bhakti — fixed devotion.

The pastimes of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu are very deep. Who can understand them? Only one who has firm, deep devotion to His lotus feet can understand these pastimes.

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