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Text 26

‘āmāra ghoḍā grīvā nā phirāya ūrdhve nāhi cāya
tāte ghoḍāra mūlya ghāṭi karite nā yuyāya’

āmāra ghoḍā — my horses; grīvā — the neck; nā phirāya — do not turn; ūrdhve — upward; nāhi cāya — do not look; tāte — because of this; ghoḍāra mūlya — the price of the horse; ghāṭi karite — to reduce; nā yuyāya — is not proper.

“Gopīnātha Paṭṭanāyaka said, ‘My horses never turn their necks or look upward. Therefore the price for them should not be reduced.’

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