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Text 247

pāṇḍu-vijayera tuli phāṭi-phuṭi yāya
jagannāthera bhare tulā uḍiyā palāya

pāṇḍu-vijayera — of the ceremony of Pāṇḍu-vijaya; tuli — batches of cotton; phāṭi-phuṭi yāya — become broken; jagannāthera bhare — by the weight of Lord Jagannātha; tulā — the cotton; uḍiyā palāya — floats into the air.

When the Jagannātha Deity is carried, at intervals He is placed on cotton pads. When the ropes broke, the cotton pads also broke due to the weight of Lord Jagannātha, and the cotton floated into the air.

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