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Texts 279-280

gavākṣe uḍiyā yaiche reṇu āse yāya
puruṣa-niśvāsa-saha brahmāṇḍa bāhirāya

punarapi niśvāsa-saha yāya abhyantara
ananta aiśvarya tāṅra, saba — māyā-pāra

gavākṣe — from a hole at the top of a wall; uḍiyā — floating; yaiche — as; reṇu — atomic particles; āse yāya — come and go; puruṣaniśvāsa-saha — with the exhaling of Mahā-Viṣṇu; brahmāṇḍa — the universes; bāhirāya — come outside; punarapi — again; niśvāsa-saha — by His inhalation; yāya — go; abhyantara — within; ananta — unlimited; aiśvarya — opulences; tāṅra — of Him; saba — everything; māyā-pāra — beyond the material conception.

“These universes are understood to be floating in the air that Mahā-Viṣṇu exhales. They are like atomic particles that float in sunshine and pass through the holes of a screen. All these universes are thus created by the exhalation of Mahā-Viṣṇu, and when Mahā-Viṣṇu inhales, they re-enter His body. The unlimited opulences of Mahā-Viṣṇu are completely beyond material conception.

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