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Text 298
matsya, kūrma, raghunātha, nṛsiṁha, vāmana
varāhādi — lekhā yāṅra nā yāya gaṇana
matsya — the fish incarnation; kūrma — the tortoise incarnation; raghunātha — Lord Rāmacandra; nṛsiṁha — the man-lion incarnation; vāmana — the dwarf incarnation; varāha-ādi — the hog incarnation and others; lekhā — describing; yāṅra — of which incarnations; nā yāya gaṇana — cannot be counted.
“Some of the pastime incarnations are the fish incarnation, the tortoise incarnation, Lord Rāmacandra, Lord Nṛsiṁha, Lord Vāmana and Lord Varāha. There is no end to them.