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Text 88
eta bali’ kāṅthā la-ila, bhoṭa tāṅre diyā
gosāñira ṭhāṅi āilā kāṅthā gale diyā
eta bali’ — saying this; kāṅthā la-ila — he took the quilt; bhoṭa — the blanket; tāṅre — unto him; diyā — giving; gosāñira ṭhāṅi — to Caitanya Mahāprabhu; āilā — returned; kāṅthā — quilt; gale — onto the shoulder; diyā — keeping.
Saying this, Sanātana Gosvāmī exchanged the blanket for the quilt. He then returned to Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu with the quilt on his shoulder.