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Text 44
yogamāyā dāsī yāhāṅ rāsādi līlā-sāra
madhura-aiśvarya — of sweetness and opulence; mādhurya — of conjugal love; kṛpā-ādi — and of mercy and so on; bhāṇḍāra — storehouse; yoga-māyā — the spiritual energy; dāsī — maidservant; yāhāṅ — where; rāsa-ādi — the rāsa dance and other pastimes; līlā-sāra — the quintessence of all pastimes.
“Vṛndāvana is the storehouse of Kṛṣṇa’s mercy and the sweet opulences of conjugal love. That is where the spiritual energy, working as a maidservant, exhibits the rāsa dance, the quintessence of all pastimes.