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Text 119

hāni-lābhe sama, śokādira vaśa nā ha-iba
anya-deva, anya-śāstra nindā nā kariba

hāni — in loss; lābhe — in gain; sama — equal; śoka-ādira — of lamentation and so on; vaśa — under the control; nā ha-iba — we should not be; anya-deva — other demigods; anya-śāstra — other scriptures; nindā — criticizing; nā kariba — we should not do.

“(15) The devotee should treat loss and gain equally. (16) The devotee should not be overwhelmed by lamentation. (17) The devotee should not worship demigods, nor should he disrespect them. Similarly, the devotee should not study or criticize other scriptures.

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