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Text 135

‘eka’ aṅge siddhi pāila bahu bhakta-gaṇa
ambarīṣādi bhaktera ‘bahu’ aṅga-sādhana

eka aṅge — by one portion; siddhi — perfection; pāila — achieved; bahu — many; bhakta-gaṇa — devotees; ambarīṣa-ādi — King Ambarīṣa Mahārāja and others; bhaktera — of devotees; bahu aṅga-sādhana — execution of many processes of devotional service.

“There are many devotees who execute only one of the nine processes of devotional service. Nonetheless, they get ultimate success. Devotees like Mahārāja Ambarīṣa execute all nine items, and they also get ultimate success.

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