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Text 27

harau ratiṁ vahann eṣa
narendrāṇāṁ śikhā-maṇiḥ
bhikṣām aṭann ari-pure
śva-pākam api vandate

harau — toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ratim — affection; vahan — carrying; eṣaḥ — this one; nara-indrāṇām — of all the kings; śikhā-maṇiḥ — brilliant crown jewel; bhikṣām — begging alms; aṭan — wandering for; ari-pure — even in the city of enemies; śva-pākam — the fifth-grade caṇḍālas; api — even; vandate — worships.

‘King Bhagīratha always carried affection for Kṛṣṇa within his heart. Although King Bhagīratha was the crown jewel of kings, he was still wandering about and begging alms in the city of his enemies. He was even offering respects to caṇḍālas, low-class men who eat dogs.’

This is a quotation from the Padma Purāṇa.

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