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Text 70

ayaṁ netā su-ramyāṅgaḥ
ruciras tejasā yukto
balīyān vayasānvitaḥ

ayam — this (Kṛṣṇa); netā — supreme hero; su-ramya-aṅgaḥ — having the most beautiful transcendental body; sarva-sat-lakṣaṇa — all auspicious bodily marks; anvitaḥ — endowed with; ruciraḥ — possessing radiance very pleasing to the eyes; tejasā — with all power; yuktaḥ — bestowed; balīyān — very strong; vayasa-anvitaḥ — having a youthful age.

‘Kṛṣṇa, the supreme hero, has the most beautiful transcendental body. This body possesses all good features. It is radiant and very pleasing to the eyes. His body is powerful, strong and youthful.

This verse and the following six verses are also found in the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (2.1.23-29).

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