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Text 15
‘muni’-śabde manana-śīla, āra kahe maunī
tapasvī, vratī, yati, āra ṛṣi, muni
muni-śabde — by the word muni; manana-śīla — who is thoughtful; āra — also; kahe — it means; maunī — one who is silent; tapasvī — an ascetic; vratī — one who keeps great vows; yati — one in the renounced order of life; āra — and; ṛṣi — a saintly person; muni — they are called muni.
“The word ‘muni’ refers to one who is thoughtful, one who is grave or silent, an ascetic, one who keeps great vows, one in the renounced order and a saint. These are the different meanings of the word ‘muni.’