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Text 220

ei cāri artha saha ha-ila ‘teiśa’ artha
āra tina artha śuna parama samartha

ei — these; cāri — four; artha — meanings; saha — with; ha-ila — there were; teiśa artha — twenty-three different varieties of imports; āra tina artha — another three imports; śuna — hear; parama samartha — very strong.

“In addition to the nineteen meanings of the verse mentioned previously, there are these four further meanings when the word ‘ātmārāma’ is taken to mean ‘those laboring under the bodily conception.’ This brings the total to twenty-three. Now hear of another three meanings, which are very suitable.

The three further meanings of the verse are understood when (1) the word ca is taken to mean “in due course,” (2) the word ca is taken to mean eva and the word api to mean “censure,” and (3) the word nirgrantha is taken to mean “one who is very poor, without money.”

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