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Text 63
nija-guṇe tabe hare dehendriya-mana
aiche kṛpālu kṛṣṇa, aiche tāṅra guṇa
nija-guṇe — by transcendental qualities; tabe — then; hare — attracts; deha-indriya-mana — the body, senses and mind; aiche — in that way; kṛpālu kṛṣṇa — merciful Kṛṣṇa; aiche — in that way; tāṅra — His; guṇa — transcendental qualities.
“When the devotee is freed from all sinful material activities, Kṛṣṇa attracts his body, mind and senses to His service. Thus Kṛṣṇa is very merciful, and His transcendental qualities are very attractive.