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Text 88
māyāvāde karilā yata doṣera ākhyāna
sabe ei jāni’ ācāryera kalpita vyākhyāna
māyāvāde — in the philosophy of Māyāvāda, impersonalism; karilā — You have done; yata — all; doṣera ākhyāna — description of the faults; sabe — all; ei — these; jāni’ — knowing; ācāryera — of Śaṅkarācārya; kalpita vyākhyāna — imaginary explanations.
Prakāśānanda Sarasvatī said, “We can understand the faults You have pointed out in the Māyāvāda philosophy. All the explanations given by Śaṅkarācārya are imaginary.