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Text 7
ajñānaṁ ca nirastaṁ me
bhavatā darśitaṁ kṣemaṁ
paraṁ bhagavataḥ padam
ajñānam — ignorance; ca — also; nirastam — eradicated; me — my; jñāna — in knowledge of the Supreme Lord; vijñāna — and direct realization of His opulence and sweetness; niṣṭhayā — by becoming fixed; bhavatā — by you; darśitam — has been shown; kṣemam — all-auspicious; param — supreme; bhagavataḥ — of the Lord; padam — the Personality.
You have revealed to me that which is most auspicious, the supreme personal feature of the Lord. I am now fixed in knowledge and self-realization, and my ignorance has been eradicated.