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Text 29

tadā ghana-cchadā devā
bhayād dhā-heti cukruśuḥ
jahṛṣur ye ca kaṁsādyāḥ
kauṇapās tv agha-bāndhavāḥ

tadā — at that time; ghana-chadāḥ — behind the clouds; devāḥ — all the demigods; bhayāt — on account of feeling danger because Kṛṣṇa had entered the mouth of the demon; hā-hā — alas, alas; iti — in this way; cukruśuḥ — they exclaimed; jahṛṣuḥ — became jubilant; ye — those; ca — also; kaṁsa-ādyāḥ — Kaṁsa and others; kauṇapāḥ — the demons; tu — indeed; agha-bāndhavāḥ — the friends of Aghāsura.

When Kṛṣṇa entered the mouth of Aghāsura, the demigods hidden behind the clouds exclaimed, “Alas! Alas!” But the friends of Aghāsura, like Kaṁsa and other demons, were jubilant.

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