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Texts 42-43


namo ’nantāya sūkṣmāya
kūṭa-sthāya vipaścite

bhūta — of the physical elements; mātra — the subtle basis of perception; indriya — the senses; prāṇa — the vital air of life; manaḥ — the mind; buddhi — the intelligence; āśaya — and of material consciousness; ātmane — to the ultimate soul; tri-guṇena — by the three modes of material nature; abhimānena — by false identification; gūḍha — who causes to become covered over; sva — one’s own; ātma — of the self; anubhūtaye — perception; namaḥ — obeisances; anantāya — to the unlimited Lord; sūkṣmāya — to the supremely subtle; kūṭa-sthāya — who is fixed in the center; vipaścite — to the omniscient one; nānā — various; vāda — philosophies; anurodhāya — who sanctions; vācya — of expressed ideas; vācaka — and expressing words; śaktaye — who possesses the potencies.

Obeisances unto You, who are the ultimate soul of the physical elements, of the subtle basis of perception, of the senses, of the vital air of life, and of the mind, intelligence and consciousness. By Your arrangement the infinitesimal spirit souls falsely identify with the three modes of material nature, and their perception of their own true self thus becomes clouded. We offer our obeisances unto You, the unlimited Supreme Lord, the supremely subtle one, the omniscient Personality of Godhead, who are always fixed in unchanging transcendence, who sanction the opposing views of different philosophies, and who are the power upholding expressed ideas and the words that express them.

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