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Text 17
prāgayaṁ vasudevasya
kvacij jātas tavātmajaḥ
vāsudeva iti śrīmān
abhijñāḥ sampracakṣate
prāk — before; ayam — this child; vasudevasya — of Vasudeva; kvacit — sometimes; jātaḥ — was born; tava — your; ātmajaḥ — Kṛṣṇa, who has taken birth as your child; vāsudevaḥ — therefore He may be given the name Vāsudeva; iti — thus; śrīmān — very beautiful; abhijñāḥ — those who are learned; sampracakṣate — also say that Kṛṣṇa is Vāsudeva.
For many reasons, this beautiful son of yours sometimes appeared previously as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore, those who are learned sometimes call this child Vāsudeva.