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Text 37

tato gatvā vanoddeśaṁ
dṛptā keśavam abravīt
na pāraye ’haṁ calituṁ
naya māṁ yatra te manaḥ

tataḥ — then; gatvā — going; vana — of the forest; uddeśam — to one region; dṛptā — becoming proud; keśavam — to Kṛṣṇa; abravīt — She said; na pāraye — am not able; aham — I; calitum — to move; naya — bring; mām — Me; yatra — where; te — Your; manaḥ — mind.

As the two lovers passed through one part of the Vṛndāvana forest, the special gopī began feeling proud of Herself. She told Lord Keśava, “I cannot walk any further. Please carry Me wherever You want to go.”

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