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Text 35

hatvā kaṁsaṁ raṅga-madhye
pratīpaṁ sarva-sātvatām
yad āha vaḥ samāgatya
kṛṣṇaḥ satyaṁ karoti tat

hatvā — having killed; kaṁsam — Kaṁsa; raṅga — the arena; madhye — within; pratīpam — the enemy; sarva-sātvatām — of all the Yadus; yat — what; āha — He spoke; vaḥ — to you; samāgatya — by coming back; kṛṣṇaḥ — Kṛṣṇa; satyam — true; karoti — will make; tat — that.

Having killed Kaṁsa, the enemy of all the Yadus, in the wrestling arena, Kṛṣṇa will now surely fulfill His promise to you by coming back.

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