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Text 35

sa kośala-patiḥ prītaḥ
arhaṇenāpi guruṇā
pūjayan pratinanditaḥ

saḥ — he; kośala-patiḥ — the lord of Kośala; prītaḥ — pleased; pratyutthāna — by standing up; āsana — offering a seat; ādibhiḥ — and so on; arhaṇena — and with offerings; api — also; guruṇā — substantial; pūjayan — worshiping; pratinanditaḥ — was greeted in return.

The King of Kośala, pleased to see Lord Kṛṣṇa, worshiped Him by rising from his throne and offering Him a seat of honor and substantial gifts. Lord Kṛṣṇa also greeted the King respectfully.

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