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Text 18

bālaṁ ca tasyā urasi
krīḍantam akutobhayam
gopyas tūrṇaṁ samabhyetya
jagṛhur jāta-sambhramāḥ

bālam ca — the child also; tasyāḥ — of that (Rākṣasī Pūtanā); urasi — on the upper portion of the breast; krīḍantam — engaged in playing; akutobhayam — without fear; gopyaḥ — all the cowherd women; tūrṇam — immediately; samabhyetya — coming near; jagṛhuḥ — picked up; jāta-sambhramāḥ — with the same affection and respect they always maintained.

Without fear, the child Kṛṣṇa was playing on the upper portion of Pūtanā Rākṣasī’s breast, and when the gopīs saw the child’s wonderful activities, they immediately came forward with great jubilation and picked Him up.

Here is the Supreme Personality of Godhead — Kṛṣṇa. Although the Rākṣasī Pūtanā could increase or decrease her bodily size by her mystic abilities and thus gain proportionate power, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is equally powerful in any transcendental form. Kṛṣṇa is the real Personality of Godhead because whether as a child or as a grown-up young man, He is the same person. He does not need to become powerful by meditation or any other external endeavor. Therefore when the greatly powerful Pūtanā expanded her body, Kṛṣṇa remained the same small child and fearlessly played on the upper portion of her breast. Ṣaḍaiśvarya-pūrṇa. Bhagavān, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is always full in all potencies, regardless of whether He is present in this form or that. His potencies are always full. Parāsya śaktir vividhaiva śrūyate. He can display all potencies under any circumstances.

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